The Hashtag Growth Strategy Your Business Needs
Hashtagging on social sharing platforms like Instagram and Facebook behave like search engine keywords. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is needed for the survival of any business that offers products or services online. Treating content hashtagging like SEO will ensure that the rights users are directed to your business.
For the most part, hashtags should be kept relatively short. Your first 5 should relate to your and your business. This includes your business, name, product, service, location, etc. The rest should be specific to your target audience, related professions, and interests. Here are three questions that will lead you to the hashtags your business needs:
What additional services do your customers typically seek out?
What types of places can your product or service be found?
What kinds of people use your product or service?
B. Please Studio is social for small business, offering content design, account management, and social strategy.